Imovie 10.1.4 move project
Imovie 10.1.4 move project

  2. #IMOVIE 10.1.4 MOVE PROJECT 1080P#

While searching through message boards and product reviews, we came across a few common complaints from users, but often, the iMovie community was able to find solutions. The introduction of 4K exportability is the biggest sales pitch within version 10.1. We could still import and export 4K footage perfectly, but playback within iMovie, and even the exported file, was a bit choppy due to the older graphics card.


We tested this software on a late 2011 Macbook Pro with a 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 and El Capitan. If you’re on an older machine, 4K may be more of a challenge. When testing on a modern, 2015 5K iMac, 4K worked flawlessly.


Why not give people the option to choose a format that coincides with their needs? Fortunately, iMovie still has a b-roll video track - a notable differentiator from Windows Movie Maker. Quick Tip: you can scroll sideways by holding Shift + Scrollwheel, but we do see how this can be construed as a negative factor.

imovie 10.1.4 move project

These subtractions, namely wrapping timeline, have become a point of contention with iMovie users, even prompting some to start Facebook petition pages. Key features from previous versions - wrapping timeline and dual monitor mode - were removed in favor for an attempt at a standardized timeline. The user interface has seen some unfortunate changes.

imovie 10.1.4 move project

Apple iMovie share to social media window Apple iMovie exporting window


Finally, you can export 1080p files at 60fps, which looks rather good when slow motion effects are applied. You can export video directly to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, iTheater or do a custom export in File. For those of you who are looking for truly professional production values, we suggest you try something else as this is an entry level software.


Still, these choices limited in the sense that full manipulation of your footage, when compared to Final Cut Pro, is not attainable. Also available are cropping, stabilization, speed, clip filters and overlay settings including cutaway, blue/green screen, side by side and picture in picture.


Alternatively, you can make changes to media clips via color balance including white balance, match color and skin tone balance or color correction with controls for highlights, saturation, and temperature. There are quick buttons for transitions, titles, backgrounds, audio and media. The novelty of iMovie revolves around its simplicity. Depending on the power of your computer, your milage may vary. On a 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 MacBook Pro, It took 31 minutes to import 40GB of footage. Don’t make things too complicated for yourself.

imovie 10.1.4 move project

Note: No matter what project you open, you still have open access to every library’s footage. You can construct new libraries, and events within. The libraries are easily accessible thanks in part to an organizational system that allows you to hide the browser, which is dedicated to projects, leaving only the preview window and timeline. Apple iMovie interfaceĪnyone remotely familiar with past versions of iMovie will have no problem creating a project to share with friends, family, and the YouTube community. Adding transitions, music, and effects is just as simple. You can mark in and out points on clips and quickly drop them into the timeline to edit or just drop the entire clip and trim it on the timeline. For more detailed advice - mainly keyboard shortcuts - we referred to the manual. We worked, without assistance, through most of the basic and advanced functions within an hour - importing/exporting, color correction, audio manipulation, titles, etc. The design of iMovie 10.1 is simple to navigate. The Look, The Feel, The Features New and Past Keep in mind that iMovie is a starting point for novice and intermediate editors. Still, do not expect to reinvent the wheel with this software. Indeed, iMovie is a great place to start if you want to start simply and gradually move up to fully developed programs by working on your pacing, structure, etc., without burning a hole through your wallet.

imovie 10.1.4 move project

We can all agree that change is never easy, but do the changes have to needlessly alienate the existing user-base? Then again, why should we be so critical of an entry-level, free app like iMovie? It is a blip on the nonlinear radar, but beginners can use it to create fantastic results. We are given 4K content options, but we lose wrapping timeline, a key feature that speed up workflow productivity. This seems to be Apple’s modus operandi - give something new, take away something useful. Apple’s latest version of iMovie follows in the footsteps of earlier versions of the series, in that it’s a fluctuating process of innovation meets frustrating compromise.

Imovie 10.1.4 move project